Reference: 197499
MAJOR PENDANT BELLE EPOQUE SERIESDiameter 40cm high 30/130cmShade: Diameter 40cm High 23cm3xE27 MAX.60w
Tiffany pendant full of elegance and style. Handcrafted glass opalines like Louis Confort Tiffany used to illuminate your room with a warm and pleasant light. Dragonflies are one of the most used motifs at Tiffany. A pendant for life due to the quality of its materials and its finishes. A mosaic of lights and colors appear when you turn on the light. Suitable for any type of Led or Low Consumption bulb. Easy assembly. It can be installed at different heights.
Lámpara vintage con luz muy confortable o cálida.Muy bonita y bien terminada. Lo importante es buscarle un espacio diáfano donde destaque.Lo que se ve en la imagen.
Que luz tan cálida, super bonita .
Espectacular!!!! Realmente esta genial, muy bien acabada y los colores son perfectos
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