Reference: 282600P
BELL SERIES TABLE TOP Diameter 30cm Height 50mShade: Diameter 30cm Height 22cm1xE27 MAX.60w
Making a lampshade from our reproductions of Tiffany originals is a process of craftsmanship. Its automated manufacturing is not possible and each and every one of the screens must follow its manufacturing steps. Cut the glass opalines according to the sample using a roller, tape them with copper foil, place them in a mold to be able to solder with tin (lead-free), dye the tin and clean. A long process but with a spectacular result. We offer quality and variety together with the best market price for your satisfaction.
Does this table lamp come with a UK plug? (I live in the United Kingdom). Many thanks for all yor help with my enquiry. Kind regards Linda
Yes it is. We can use UK plug