Reference: 212330
TABLE LAMP VIRGINIA SERIESDiameter 45cm Height 58cmShade: Diameter 45cm Height 21cm2xE27 MAX.60w
Curved glass opalines to form a screen with homogeneous and neutral color. A small glass pearl tops each opaline. Attention to detail on a soldered chain
Making a shade from our reproductions of Tiffany originals is a hands-on process. Its automated manufacturing is not possible and each and every one of the screens must follow its manufacturing steps. Cut the glass opalines according to the sample using a roller, tape them with copper foil, place them in a mold to be able to solder with tin (lead-free), dye the tin and clean. A long process but with a spectacular result. We offer quality and variety together with the best market price for your satisfaction. Material Zinc / Tiffany. Multi Color. Easy assembly and original reproduction certificate. Width 45 Depth 45 Height 60
Que pieza tan bonita!!!!
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